A Deep Dive into the Most Playful Brand on the Planet | with Kristi Herold
Brand to Fan Show Ep30
Discover how play can supercharge your brand & the pivotal role it plays in building a powerful consumer-community bond
Episode 30: Kristi Herold
We are exploring the power of play in building a successful brand. Kristi Herold, Founder of JAM, started her entrepreneurial journey by starting an adult recreational sports league in Toronto. She has since rebranded her company during the recent pandemic to offer exciting provisions for corporate team-building events.
Join me as we journey through Kristi’s vision of building a healthy organizational culture through play, fostering a sense of camaraderie and engagement among employees. We will also explore the importance of integrating play into the workplace and how it enhances productivity and overall job satisfaction.
Listen in as Kristi unravels her fascinating plans for expansion and how JAM continues to promote productivity, joy, and impactful connections even in the remote workspace. This promises to be an exciting, game-changing episode that will leave you contemplating the power of play in your lives and workspaces.
Written with an AI assist from Castmagic. You can check out more insights from the episode here and sign up for your own account.
TL;DL (too long; didn’t listen)
My real-time notes from the conversation with Kristi Herold
She always loved to play / sports were her favorite, but more so playing and not watching.
There were no sports girls leagues, but she joined a boys' league as “Kris” and played for two seasons.
Play as a connector — started adult rec sports leagues in 1996.
In 2020, Kristi’s company pivoted created a program for corporate workplace engagement
At least four tattoos and thousands of babies have been born as a result of JAM’s rec leagues
The gift of social play results in happier people at home and work.
Mayo Clinic proved physical activity and social sports add 20% longevity to our lives.
Play is inherent to early childhood development, but we lose the opportunities to play when we get old.
Integrate play into your workday
Sports may only be the answer for some, but there are many ways to play.
Choir, rock band, book club, “Lunch and laugh” virtual event
Make these optional; no one likes forced fun!
Play is a connection point — have a little fun about how you communicate.
Southwest Airlines proves that safety messages are important enough to make it more fun.
JAM takes T&Cs for corporate events and puts them into “JAM English” as their interpretation alongside the legalese.
Buy-in is easier when it comes from the top; productivity increases, retention improves, and investing in fun and play is better to reduce turnover than pay to replace employees repeatedly.
Having a ping pong table is virtue signaling if it has an inch of dust on it.
Put time aside to allow your team to play — lead by example from the top. Include time for daily connection, like a Mandatory Daily Huddle at 1 pm ET (accessible to everyone across continents and time zones)
Customers make your best copywriters — especially those who are your biggest fans!
Word of mouth was the biggest driver for the business and team sport experience.
What’s next for JAM:
Acquiring sports leagues across North America; biggest seasons ever, spring-summer-fall.
B2B business has also generated consulting opportunities for corporate culture.
Fan of: The fan-first mentality of Savannah Bananas; Peloton to make working out fun; and Morning Brew newsletter
In this Episode (Time Stamps):
01:05 CEO of JAM connects people through play.
03:57 Started adult rec sports leagues, then pivoted during the 2020 pandemic.
06:29 Physical activity + social connection = happier, longer lives.
10:21 Having friends at work boosts productivity.
15:25 "Playful communication boosts fan base, organization growth"
19:33 Engagement and friendship boost retention and satisfaction.
25:16 App offers optional team activities for employees.
28:11 Remote workplaces can maintain a cohesive culture. Daily huddles are impactful.
32:12 Celebrate and highlight great work in the office.
35:26 Started as Toronto Sport and Social Club, rebranded to jam in 2021 to save money on advertising and rely on word of mouth.
38:22 Vision: A million people play with JAM every year.
42:01 Record-breaking seasons, upcoming acquisitions, and event growth. These are exciting times for the business.
43:26 Workplace culture: a mix of work and play to foster friendships and make it a better place. Supporting and engaging with a playful mentality. Speaking and delivering keynotes on the power of play passionately. Helping connect people to have laughs and fun. Loving life.
47:36 Favorite fanware: Jam Hockey jersey with customization.
51:14 TL;DL (too long; didn’t listen) Moment
“Studies have proven that when 60% or more of your employees state that they have a close friend in the workplace, your business is 12% more profitable.”
The Guest: Kristi Herold
Kristi Herold is the CEO of JAM, a global business connecting people through play, and one of the largest recreational sports leagues in the world. Since 2020, JAM has produced 3500+ corporate team-building events in over 30 countries. Kristi consults and speaks on how to move a culture from surviving to thriving. Her bestselling book, "It Pays to PLAY," is a rich resource to help organizations playfully connect with their teams and improve retention, engagement and overall workplace culture.
Learn more about Kristi on her website
Grab a free copy of the PLAYbook "10 Ways to Integrate PLAY at Work.” (Includes a 25% savings for a JAM event or sports team).
JAM Team photo, provided by Kristi Herold
My favorite piece of fan wear would be my JAM Hockey jersey, which originally was a Sport and Social Club hockey jersey. When you've worked with us for a year, you become a veteran, you get officially drafted to the team, and you get your JAM veterans jersey. It's a hockey jersey because we're Canadian, you get a hockey jersey. The JAM logo is on the front, your name is on the back, and your number is the year that you started working with us.
Show Credits
Brand to Fan Show is produced by Teague FC and supported by FanWagn
Audio production by Bryan Griggs / Griggs Production
Producer: Kimberly Voorhis
Video Editing by Garrett Teague
AI assistance from Pictory.AI and Castmagic
And I’m your host, Lauren Teague.
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