Brand Loyalty Starts with Leadership | with Mary Nice

Mary Nice is a guest on the Brand to Fan Show episode 7

Brand to Fan Show EP07

Brand loyalty impacts us all, whether inside conference rooms or on every shopping trip. Leadership and marketing whiz Mary Nice sits down with Brand to Fan host Lauren Teague to explore why customer retention depends heavily on brand values and why clients expect businesses to walk the talk.


Episode 07

In this episode, host Lauren Teague sits down with Mary Nice, a leadership and marketing consultant who also made stops at Disney and Edelman. Mary is known for her expertise in developing programs designed to help businesses boost their bottom line inside and outside the office.

Mary shares her insights on brand loyalty and its connection to leadership. She explains how companies can build brand loyalty by profoundly understanding their mission and connecting with their employees. Mary also discusses the impact of emotional intelligence on leadership and how it can help businesses retain customers.

The conversation delves into how different generations view brand loyalty and its meaning. Mary shares her experience working with younger generations and the importance of building connections with them. She also discusses how the pandemic has changed the workplace landscape and what businesses can do to adapt.

Before concluding, Mary shares her experience of discovering TikTok and how it boosted her confidence. She discusses its role in her career shift and how it has helped her reach a wider audience.

This episode offers valuable insights for business leaders looking to improve brand loyalty and build better connections with their employees and customers. With Mary's expertise and experience, listeners will gain a deeper understanding of the importance of leadership in building successful brands.


We have generations who have never known life without the Internet and social media...I see that come up often in my leadership work around team development, team orchestration, and becoming a leader.
— Mary Nice

The Guest: MARY NICE

As a founder of Mary Nice Consulting, Mary has supported hundreds of young professional women as well as Fortune 100 business leaders at globally recognized brands like Kraft Foods, Unilever, and Disney. She is widely regarded as the go-to expert in fostering continuous self-awareness to find more career fulfillment and increase profitability within an organization. Her methodology and expertise have helped both individual contributors and managers thrive by overcoming unspoken assumptions within the workplace to boost the bottom line.



In this Episode

  • 1:37 - Introducing Mary Nice

  • 1:59 - Fandom at an early age

  • 4:40 - How the generational divide impacts the marketing industry

  • 12:17 - What brand loyalty means to different generations

  • 12:56 - Why you should break down your brand mission

  • 14:17 - The importance of building internal company connection

  • 17:45 - How emotional intelligence impacts leadership

  • 20:02 - The major changes in the workplace since the pandemic

  • 23:21 - What discovering TikTok did for Mary’s career

What are you a fan of?

The one that comes to mind first because it's present in our daily life is the Toniebox. Toniebox is a soft speaker, and you get these little figurines, and they sit on top of the speaker. It's like 90 minutes of children's programming of reading stories to kids.

They have Mickey Mouse, PJ Mask, and Curious George. [My son] Smith loves it. It's one of those ideas you're like, "why didn't I think of that," because it's so brilliant.

I think it reached a market of parents who knew that they didn't want a lot of screen time for their kids but also are flipping exhausted and don't have the capacity to read story after story after story at night to their kids.


What is your favorite piece of Fanwear you own?

I have two. I have an old WVU hoodie that was my husband's, which is soft, big, and comfy. I have a lot of affinity for West Virginia, where my husband's from, and went to school, and it has been such a welcoming place for me. I think it's so beautiful up there.

My other one is an Auburn Jersey. It is an old Cadillac jersey, number 24; I just love having that; it reminds me of the good old days.

Show Credits

Brand to Fan Show is produced by Teague FC and supported by FanWagn

Audio production by Bryan Griggs / Griggs Production

Producers: Kimberly Voorhis, Ashley Ruiz and Carrie Hellbusch

Video Editing by Garrett Teague

And I’m your host, Lauren Teague.