Fandom is a Business Process, Not a Project | with Jay Baer
Brand to Fan Show EP01
Host Lauren Teague launches the first Brand To Fan show with marketing and customer experience expert (and her mentor), Jay Baer.
Episode 01
In this episode, Lauren & Jay discuss how to disrupt low customer satisfaction by showing up for customers and being radically relevant.
Jay drops some “Baer Facts” for the audience from his new Time To Win study, and shares insights about cultivating fans online that he’s learned while becoming the one of the most followed Tequila educators in the world.
“You’re never done. This idea of customer experience and creating Fandom through operations is never done. It’s not a project. It’s a process.”
The Guest: JAY BAER
Marketing guru, tequila expert, and Hall of Fame keynote speaker, Jay Baer is a New York Times best-selling author of 6 books. Jay is a 7th -generation entrepreneur, the founder of Convince & Convert, and has led some of the world’s largest brands to marketing victory.
More from Jay:
In this Episode
00:30 Getting Jay’s blessing for the podcast
3:34 Make something that benefits your audience
12:59 Brand representation 101
15:30 How does your brand identify itself?
17:05 Inside the marketing shift
18:40 What the marketing shift did to companies internally
22:00 Time to win study
What are you a fan of?
I am certainly a fan of many tequila brands but I won’t mention any [specifically] because I don’t want to get in trouble. I'm obviously a college sports fan. I live in a college town, so I'm a fan of 3 different universities, for different reasons.
The University of Arizona, where I matriculated.
University of Nebraska, I'm from Lincoln and my parents went there
Indiana University, where I live.
All 3 schools have manifestly terrible football teams. So, I've got fan gear from all of them.
What is your favorite piece of Fanwear you own?
I have a University of Arizona basketball warm up jacket. That was issued the year that the team won the national championship. So, it's definitely vintage and super cool, and it's team official. so it's really high quality and still fits, which is something. You know you can't just like wear a warm up shooting jacket to anywhere, right? So, that's one that's pretty rare. And I really like it.
Brand to Fan Show is produced by Teague FC and supported by FanWagn
Audio production by Bryan Griggs / Griggs Production
Producers: Kimberly Voorhis, Ashley Ruiz and Carrie Hellbusch
Video Editing by Garrett Teague
And I’m your host, Lauren Teague.
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